Presentation of LignoBioLife at the V Interregional Event of the BIOREGIO Project

BIOREGIO is a European project, financed with ERDF funds, that aims to promote the circular economy of organic waste by exchanging experiences on the best available techniques.

Among the partners of the project are the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, the University of Applied Sciences of Lahti (Finland), the Regional Council of Paijat-Hame (Finland), Slovak University of Agriculture (Slovakia), Aristotle University Thessaloniki (Greece ), Central Macedonia Region (Greece), National Research and Development Institute for Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Calarasi Subsidiary (Romania) and the Association of Chambers of Agriculture of the Atlantic Area (France).

The role of the Department of Environment of FGUA, as a stakeholder of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, consists of advising and sharing good practices based on models of valuation of lignocellulosic waste. During the V Interregional Event held in Nitra (Slovakia), the opportunity was taken to present the LignoBioLife project as a good practice and report on the objectives and results that are intended to be achieved during the execution of the project, as well as during the after-Life period.

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Guías prácticas para el uso y aplicación de bioproductos del proyecto LIGNOBIOLIFE

Informe Layman y Plan After-LIFE del Proyecto LIGNOBIOLIFE

Practical guides for the use and application of bioproducts from the LIGNOBIOLIFE project